ADHD Weekly 2018-01-18

Teen Support Groups: How They Can Help Your Child

Join the discussion. It is no secret that the teen years can be fraught with change, change that can seem so dramatic it resembles more of a roller coaster ride than normal growth and development. The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry reports that the adolescent years are marked by trying on independence through…

Do ADHD Symptoms Affect Your Personality?

Does having ADHD influence your personality? Researchers have started to look at the relationship between ADHD symptoms and one’s personality. Multiple studies are noting there seem to be some commonalities among personality types and specific symptoms of ADHD, but haven’t determined a direct relationship. “The bottom line for me is you can have a whole…

Getting the Best Accommodations for Your Child

Ask the Expert: How to select the best school accommodations for your child with ADHD Featuring Jennifer Engel Fisher, MS Tuesday, February 6, 2 p.m. Register Now  Does your child have accommodations at school? Are those accommodations helping? Many children with ADHD are eligible for a 504 Plan or IEP, detailing their academic accommodations. But…